Thursday, September 24, 2009

09/16/2009 10:35:07 AMIt's a jungle out there...Going down the MONK route

I watched the new Jay Leno show last night. Part of it.. (the other part I was cleaning formula puke off the floor, but that's another story). And I happened to watch the Uninvited guest - Jim norton. I thought he was funny ... atleast his take on the whole germophoiab thing going on... and then this morning I walked into work and there in the pantry there was a giant and I really mean stand alone giant hand sanitizing dispenser... In the pantry of all places.. come on people. We heat our food there I really don't like the mix of hot food smells and chemicals. So what is this obsession with germs... I heard someone from my team say she was glad they finally got the dipenser, but I didn't have the courage to ask her why she deemed it necessary... so any germ phobes out there who can share your point of view... please do. I really do want to understand what I'm missing... In the mean time we'll go down the 'Monk' route.

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