Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I had a lovely evening with Rachael yesterday. Lawrence went to sleep early. He's been doing that lately, and Rachael and I just spent time together. My first choice was to take her to the park, but there were a lot of kids, and I didn't want to deal with a cranky Rachael with lawrence trying to get on the slides. So instead we went home. She had some baby yogurt, and then some hot dogs. We read books.. lots of books... and told stories, and she rubbed cream on my hands and face and made me a princess and then we had a good shower.... no fights in the bathroom about washing ... and then she watched a bit of wonder pets while I gave lawrence a wash and fed him. They we sat together and said the rosary, and she fell asleep while we prayed. It was really good. I put everything on hold. Didn't try to wash bottles, or pick up clothes or fold clothes or anything, and it helped that lawrence was sleeping so I was able to focus entirely on her. And it worked. No tantrums, no crying nothing. And at 2:00 this morning she woke me up to take her to do pee pee. I was so happy. I'm just not sure how to do this daily. I've been avoiding trying to feed Lawrence cereal .. but I have to start soon.. and I have to play with him when he's awake... I have to figure out a way to involve both of them... I can do it.
p.s. Rachael looked so cute yesterday when I picked her up a little hep ragamuffin with her cap all askew and her pants and t-shirt.

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