Friday, June 26, 2009

I give up. Completely. I'm going to subscribe to the American lifestyle, live it up and then file for bankruptcy. I cannot continue the struggle anymore. To what point. I'm being nickled and dimed to death. Today:
I found out that I've been charge $58 as a foreign transaction fee to book a flight to India on I don't get it. Why have a website that offers e-tickets and payment by credit card, only to charge a stupid foreign transaction fee. For that price I could have had an agent book the damn thing for me, and I wouldn't have had to fiddle around with their lousy website.
Then I spent an hour on the phone with AT&T and we didn't reach a resolution. We cancelled our home phone service .. easy peasy you would think, but they offered a $5 savings if we clubbed our billing together for the internet and cell phone, which we said okay to. Bad mistake. They can't seem to find the order any more, and we can't connect to the net from home.
If only America had some way to retaliate. But all the home grown businesses have evaporated and all we're left with are the giants who don't care, so I can't take my business elsewhere.. instead I must trudge along, paying unecessary amounts of money for worthless stuff, talking to automated machines, and when I finally have not an ounce of energy left, then I must work some more and pay more taxes so I can bail the same giants out.
I always wondered what kind of people lived beyond their means and then filed for bankruptcy. Smart people I've now decided. It's the morons like me, who go to work daily, save every penny, live miserably and have nothing to show. From now on we're living it up.
Okay so my personality won't let me do it. But I will make the effort. I will no longer worry if I have to pay a few more $$ for a convenience. I will valet park. And I will not worry about eating out every Friday. Instead I will enjoy my time with my husband and we will have a nice date every Friday ... maybe recapture the magic so I'm don't feel like my life is one giant penny pinching moment.
Children update:
Rachael loves stickers. She spent the entire evening yesterday sticking stickers on every part of her body. But her cutest moment yet was when she said "Mama lets run away ?" Yes like a question. We were watching baby einstein - world animals.. and everytime we saw a lion or a tiger, she would ask "Mama lets run away" So we ran away and hid behind the fridge. My dream for her is that she somehow find a way to put her love for animals into something she does in life. When she turns 3 I want to take her swimming with the dolphins. Maybe next year Florida will be the perfect moment to start.

Lawrence turned for the first time yesterday. Scary moment. He was doing tummy time looking out of the window, and I was in the kitchen cooking butter noodles for Rachael. When I came back a minute later he was flat on his back smiling. So my peaceful moments are over. I now have to watch him too. I keep relieving Rachael's fall from the bed at 6 months. Have to make sure there's no repeat. Maybe that's what scares me being alone at home. I'm terrified that I'm going to forget something ...

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