Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Columbus Day Weekend

I cooked lunch yesterday and tom took leftovers for dinner. I was pushed to cook by a blog I read by Miss zoot. I haven't cooked from scratch in a long time. All I made yesterday was smoked sausage skillet with some pickled peppers, potatoes and sundried tomatoes. And then last night when I called tom at work and asked if he'd eaten dinner, he said yes and it was yummy and while he ate it he felt very loved. I felt pleased and bad both at the same time. Very pleased that he enjoyed it, very pleased that he felt loved but very sad that I hadn't made more of an effort to cook. And I thought about our life. I used to cook. Tom doesn't always like to eat. He doesn't mind very much what he eats (not like dada). He's a really good husband ... and he always said thanks babe not matter what I put in front of him.. home made baked cookies from scratch or a frozen bag of bertolli. So the motivation to cook wasn't really there. And then after Rachael and Lawrence came I've been so busy with work, and taking care of them, losing all the weight I gained and feeding Rachael things she can eat that making home made meals from scratch just got put on the back burner. I still don't think I'll make a habit to cook everyday... bit I like making something special for him on the weekends. It makes our family time all that more special. Lately Rachael and I have baked him cookies... and then this weekend I made him eggs for breakfast and some lunch too.. Amazing ..lol..
This weekend we didn't end up going to the museum. The chicago marathon was on and there would be road closures and no parking so we skipped it entirely. Instead we planted tulips. Red and yellow ones. Tom dug the holes, Rachael dropped the tulip bulbs in and I burried them. Lawrence stood outside with us for a little bit in his exersaucer. But he's having a rough time lately. He's teeth have really been bother him... Lots and Lots of drool.. And he has a lowgrade fever.. .. The good part is that he's also moving now... dragging himself everywhere and he loves it... And lastnight Elmo entertained both Lawrence and Rachael... for a good 10 mins. I changed the batteries and Elmo came back to life..lol.. Maybe I'll do that in all the noisemaker toys and I'll have some relative peace and quiet.

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