Monday, July 27, 2009

I want to write today. I've read so many interesting blogs. When I first started blogging I wanted it to be so many things. First a counting of my blessings, then a recording of the changes in the lives of my 2 monkeys, now it's a recording of my weight loss. So much happens so quickly in our lives. I no longer know what I'm blogging where. Still I struggle to keep on top of it. Some days I write boring things. Some days I'm interesting. Someday my children ... I like the sound of that... although it still feels and makes me smile. My children. My children. My children. I could get used to that. It's still weirdly funny though. My children. Okay Okay. someday I hope my monkeys will be happy I recorded so much of our life. I surely don't have the capacity to remember it all. Lawrence is growing up so quickly. He's only 4 months, almost 5, but he's turning like a pro, and now he even looks like he wants to crawl, lifting his butt in the air. I love him. I love him so much it's amazing. He's my happy baby. He just smiles, and loves being cuddled. But he's definitely getting his own personality. Sadly both Rachael and Lawrence seem to have inherited the stubborn personality. In some ways I'm glad. Stubborness as hard as it is on my will stand them in good stead as they grow up. It will make them stand their ground, and know what they want. I love my princess robin too. She's so worldly and so stubborn. She is. Sometimes she's so stubborn it makes me want to laugh. The hardest thing in the world is to not smile when she's standing her ground but doing the opposite of what you want. This past week was interesting. She was a prize child at the beginning of the week. By Friday and Saturday all you could hear was 'We won't go to the zoo' ... that's me. We did go. I didn't have the heart not to, for all her trouble she was so looking forward to it. Sometimes I remember that she's only a 2 year old, who's finding her own way around. And she tries, so hard to be a good girl, and 75% of the time she succeeds. So we went to the zoo. It was great. She loves animals. Except dinosaurs. They frightened her. So palentology won't be her subject of choice. Her favourite are the lions. She really does love them. And we had dippin dots. I must remember to feed my kids fruits. I must I must. But dippin dots is a completely different game. And last night, I slept. Tommy gave me the best body rub ever.I haven't slept like that in a long time. Thanks honey. I owe you.

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