I'm having a wonderful day today. Which is perfect considering we had a wonderful weekend. The weekends seem longer now. Maybe we enjoy them more..Maybe it's the happiness that summer is finally here. Maybe we appreciate the weekends because the days are so much harder. Who knows. Yesterday was wonderful It was a gorgeous summer day, so lots of pictures. And even a nice one of me. Yay. Big achievement over the weekend was "No more chi chi" for Rachael. Saturday morning we were chatting - girl to girl and I told her she could have any toy she wanted if she gave up her chi chi. So off she went picked her chi chi and threw it in the garbage. It shocked me, but I wasn't arguing. She asked for an anmal (animal) toy, which I promised she would get. Okay so I didn't keep my promise. I just didn't have a chance..lol.. but she did get a new cool sippy cup that she can colour on and personalize. Not that she care...lol.. and lots and lots of stickers which she's currently using as band-aids for owiies. Don't know where she learnt that. But this is Rachael. "Mama you got owie". And plaster a sticker. Dada you got owie. Plaster a sticker. Lawrence you got owie.. out comes another sticker. Apparently we had A LOT of owies over the weekend.

The nights have been good so far. She starts off wanting her chi chi.. and we do the whole monologue of how BIG PEOPLE don't take chi chi's and how she can take her phone to bed instead, and play with stickers until she falls asleep. So far so good.
Tom is on day's this week. Not a good thing. I was really looking forward to it, but this morning was a nightmare. Thankgod I'm a morning person. Rachael decided she didn't want to eat breakfast unless I fed her EVERY little piece of bread toast. Lawrence decided he didn't want his milk so he filled his mouth and let it run down the sides. I missed my Tommy. and then we all struggled to get loaded in the car. The final saving grace was when I hit upon "Team Work". Rachael is currently into "Saving the Bengal Tiger" and the wonder pets who all do team work. So I managed to convince her that if she wanted to be a wonder pet she had to do team work. Lets go to Work - Team Work.. Yay. Jackpot. We did team work carrying everything out, and then she even said "Lets go Lawrence. Team Work" I love her love her love her. She's so clever. Okay she's so logical. I swear she has to be the smartest kid on the block. She understands everything.
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