Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Simple Joys

We had a good weekend. Sunday was especially nice. We sat at the dinner table for lunch and dinner, and Rachael loved it. We haven't done much table sittings ... we just assumed she would be easier to handle on the floor so we generally squatted with her... but the good news is that she ate her meals really well, said grace with us (holding our hands), and didn't trouble at all. Small surprises are the best ones. She's growing up so fast too. She knows there's a baby in my belly and she kisses him now. And yesterday took her colours and decided to draw him a picture on my belly... but then her eyes gleamed ... and next thing I new she was whacking my stomach with her little palms.. It was too funny but I did remember to tell her 'No honey, no hitting the baby. Hands are to say nice baby'. Then she rubs my belly again. She loves playing ... and she can turn everything into a fun thing. Eg. She'll start by drawing on her easel and graduate to drawing on her arms and legs and cheeks and she just looks to cute lately with all that colour and her hair all tossed and her nose running (thankfully the walls have not been the recipient of her art as yet)
I'm already thinking about thanksgiving. No not the food laden tables... that actually has no appeal for me. I'm Indian married to an American and while I love a good burger, 'turkey and mashed potatoes' doesn't ring my bell. Anyways, I am looking forward to seeing Tom's extended family again. We try to meet up during the year but somehow we never do. So Thanksgiving is a time we all make that special effort and come together. Rachael will see her great grandfather again which will be lovely.
This year we have so much to be thankful for. A new baby on the way, sonia's wedding, a new house to live in, a short commute to work, good tenants renting from us, good neighbours, Rachael growing up strong and healthy, nana coming this winter, and best of all a marriage still filled with love and passion.

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