Carol the other teacher in Rachael's room complained today. Okay from Carol it's not new... but this time I was amused. Apparently she told Rachael not to take her sock and shoes off and my 18 month imp proceeded to stare her down and do just that. Saving grace was she tucked her socks nicely into her shoes so they wouldn't get lost. I have to admit a secret part of me was glad she stood up for herself. The parent in me hopes she always up for herself as she grows up and does what she thinks is right... the mother in me is terrified of the times when she will stand up to me..How will I cope. I grew up with what is considered a very broad minded childhood in India but apparently a very strict one in the US. How will I know what to do with Rachael as she grows up. Will I morph into my own mother and lay down the law allowing some concessions, will I watch the other parents and teach myself 'While in America do as the americans' ... what ever road I go down I hope when she's 30 Rachael loves and adores me as much as I do my own ma.
We're having a boy. Rachael gets to be an elder sister in 4 months. I'm sure it's a role she will take too with the emphasis on ELDER. She's really looking forward to it. Atleast we think she is. She loves to pat my tummy and say baby... and then she pats her own little one and goes baby too .. I think she knows. We've been talking to her about it. Lawrence is going to the be first boy on my side of the family. I grew up with 3 sisters, so my mum is a pro with girls and she's was a treasure when Rachael was born. This time we're wondering what we'll do with the boy. She's coming to help me again with Lawrence.. but I already have all her tasks mapped out for her. She gets to potty train Rachael, and break the milk bottle habit... both which i have tried unsuccessfully due to my own need for an easy life. Rachael will happily drink her wa wa's and juice from a regular cup..but I've refrained from breaking the milk habit.. It's so easy in the morning when I'm rushing late for work just to give her a bottle and know how much she's had instead of folowing her around with the cup everywhere... and we've tried potty too. She's sitting on it... but so far no wins... The good thing is she knows when she wants to go .. and she'll hold her pipi and go susu... but then nothing... Some day soon... we'll have success... She loves to 'flush' her potty and get her own piece of toilet I love having a little girl... and even though she's primarily dada's girl, mama gets loads of lip kissus when she wants her boos (books) read or her tubee (t.v.)
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