Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Loving my daughter for all the wrong reasons:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Today is camping day for Rachael at the daycare, and I'm anxiously awaiting pics from her teacher. I'm hoping that there is atleast 1 of her. I so so want to tell her teacher to take pics of her everyday ..lol.. but I must remember that there are 16 kids and she has to alternate... But my daughter is such a cutie pie... so this is me this morning - to Tom - Rachael doesn't have a sleeping bag. Tom - Why does she need one ..Me - Cause she's camping today. Tom - where. Me - In daycare... Both of us laugh roll our eyes, then pick up the thin gaddas we had bought for the beach and figure that it will have to do. I had a sense of what my mum was thinking everytime she sent us with makeshift stuff instead of the real thing... Some how I'm hoping that Rachael is too young to notice.... Some how I'm hoping that she really won't care she doesn't have a sleeping bag.. and that instead her darling mother gave her a gadda for 2 to sleep with her best friend... See I can reason away anything..lol..Yesterday I had a sense of what life with Rachael will be growing up... I looked out of the window and saw a 10 yr old girl walking her dog... and I thought - My Rachael will be like her some day (only walking someone elses dog). It was a wonderful feeling. Somedays I feel like I'm cheating her and Lawrence out of a normal childhood - whatever that may be..and then I figure we'll find our way. We're kind of settled in Poet's corner. The first few months were a rush of getting to know people and wanting to be liked and accepted. Now we've settled. Few families know us.. some don't .. and we do our own thing. We make time when we can to go to the community outings, but that sense of 'Having to' has gone. We're certainly not competing...lol..
This past weekend was eye opening. Grammy was here from Thursday. Apparently she is one of the most well behaved 2 year olds..lol.. It was funny finding that out because I always think she has so many tantrums... apparently not enough.. and then grammy came.. and Rachael learnt to be a true 2 year old for 4 days..lol... I'm glad her grammy love her and that Rachael loves her back (it was grammy grammy grammy all weekend). Grammy let her get away with everything ..lol.. I think grammy thinks mommy is way too strict..lol.. Still I was glad when Grammy went home, and Rachael came running and said "My mommy" I was so pleased... I missed it..lol.. and was jealous of Grammy too. And Rachael rode her first horse. That's amazing bravery given she's only 2 ... I'm so proud of her... and we petted goats and sheep.. Maybe mommy will get brave too .. slowly..
Lawrence is growing too.. He's now 14 lbs 8 oz and getting bigger. But his smiles are the best. They're wonderful. I love him sooo much. He's such an easy baby. Only smiles and cuddles and sleep and eat. Which reminds me... he's now eating bananas, sweet potatoes, cereal, and carrots. Yay Big boy!.
Oh forgot to mention, my fashionista wouldn't let me buy her a raincoat this weekend... instead she picked her own green hoodie... She definitely has her own mind. I got a talking down to when I tried to get her to pick a boy's raincoat. "That's a boy's mama!!!!!" Okay honey bunch I'll remember.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I had a lovely evening with Rachael yesterday. Lawrence went to sleep early. He's been doing that lately, and Rachael and I just spent time together. My first choice was to take her to the park, but there were a lot of kids, and I didn't want to deal with a cranky Rachael with lawrence trying to get on the slides. So instead we went home. She had some baby yogurt, and then some hot dogs. We read books.. lots of books... and told stories, and she rubbed cream on my hands and face and made me a princess and then we had a good shower.... no fights in the bathroom about washing ... and then she watched a bit of wonder pets while I gave lawrence a wash and fed him. They we sat together and said the rosary, and she fell asleep while we prayed. It was really good. I put everything on hold. Didn't try to wash bottles, or pick up clothes or fold clothes or anything, and it helped that lawrence was sleeping so I was able to focus entirely on her. And it worked. No tantrums, no crying nothing. And at 2:00 this morning she woke me up to take her to do pee pee. I was so happy. I'm just not sure how to do this daily. I've been avoiding trying to feed Lawrence cereal .. but I have to start soon.. and I have to play with him when he's awake... I have to figure out a way to involve both of them... I can do it.
p.s. Rachael looked so cute yesterday when I picked her up ...like a little hep ragamuffin with her cap all askew and her pants and t-shirt.
Monday, August 3, 2009
I'm having wonderful days at home. The last 2 days have been really good. No sleep but good. Rachael is growing up much too fast. I'm trying to get rid of the guilt. I feel gulity if I spend good time with Lawrence, that rachael is not getting any attention. And then I spend time with Rachael and feel guilty that Lawrence is growing up on his own. I wonder if I read this blog years from now if I will find that there is an underlying thread of guilt in all my blogs. I must give up and just enjoy life. I'm trying. So much is happening at the moment ... I'm trying so hard to live in the moment. Can you imagine I don't have my visa for India as yet, and I haven't bought a dress for Rachael yet, and we're already in July. The wedding is just 6 months away. Okay laugh. The tickets were bought in May. Right now I'm focussing and pining for our michigan vacation. 1 week. 1 whole week away. We have never ever done this. Gone away for a week on vacation. I don't know what prompted it. But I'm glad we decided to do it. And last night we invited Lea and Tracy to join. Okay post invitation I had regret pangs wishing it was just tom me rachael and lawrence, but I know in my head that it will be good for both the kids to spend time with grandpa. Life pass us by much too soon.
This morning we had a cute moment. There was a centipede in Lawrence's room - dead - but I think I stamped it by mistake and it freaked me out. Not that I killed it but that I had stepped on a creepie crawlie. I screamed - tommy a centipede, and Rachael came running.... with her little princess dress up shoe in her hand - yelling I kill it mama I kill it. It really was too funny and too cute. Tom had just nailed a moth on the wall, and she saw him. And it was just so cute that she wanted to save me ...Okay she would have too if it wasn't already dead, so there she was my precious 2 year old slamming her little heal on the already dead centipede and it stuck to her shoe.. which she promptly brought and showed me - Look mama I killed it.